进口微型直动式电磁阀 微型电磁阀 美国RETZ瑞茨

更新时间:一个月以前  浏览量:83
材质: 不锈钢 黄铜
单价: 面议
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 1000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-06-12 15:37
浏览次数: 83




工作原理 working principle

进口微型直动式电磁阀有常闭型常开型二种 retz There are two types of imported brass and stainless steel micro direct acting solenoid valves: normally closed and normally open


When the normally closed type is powered off, it is in a closed state. When the coil is energized, electromagnetic force is generated, causing the moving iron core to overcome the spring force and the static iron core to directly open the valve port, and the medium passes through; When the coil loses power, the electromagnetic force disappears, and the moving iron core recovers under the action of spring force Position, directly close the valve port, medium blocked


The opposite working principle of the normally open type

技术参数 Technical parameter

可按需提供内置过滤网片 Can provide built-in filter screens as needed

结构简单,动作可靠,开关速度快,在零压差和微真空下正常工作 Simple structure, reliable action, fast switching speed, and normal operation under zero pressure difference and micro vacuum


动作类型     直动型

控制方式     常闭式(标准)、常开式(可选)

连接口         G(标准)NPTRc(可选)

适用介质     中性介质,气态或液态流体

流体黏度     21mm²/s

阀体材质     黄铜、不锈钢

密封   NBR(标准)FKMEPDM(可选)

介质温度     NBR:-10+80

FKM: -10~+110

EPDM:        -20+120

环境温度     -1050(防爆型-20~40)

标准电压     AC220V(50-60Hz)DC24V(0Hz)

电压变化     ±10%

防护等级     IP65

安装方式     最好使线圈朝上

可选配置     防爆型、降温节能线圈/接线盒,定时开关、手动装置

规格尺寸     G1/8-G1/4

适应压力     0-50Bar

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